Monday, September 19, 2011

So busy!!

Holy cow. I've gone non-stop for the last 20 days. I have no idea where those days have gone... Ahh!
*deep breaths* Okay... lemme explain:

From August 27 to September 3, we were in Hawaii. Noooo... Reilly was not able to go with us due to vaccination issues in Hawaii. Fun facts, you can't just pack up your pooch and head to the islands. The islands have never had any reported cases of rabies. Ever. So the process to bring an animal on to the islands is a process that takes months. I'm sure there are ways to get around this for certified service dogs, but with my 5 month old pup in training, I wasn't about to risk anything.
And we'll gladly admit a dog-free week was kinda nice. ;)

So we got home at 1am on the 4th very relaxed and reluctant to go back to reality. However we were bombarded by four very happy dogs including a puppy who I could have sworn doubled in size in a week's time. I couldn't help but to ask Ann, who blessed us by staying with our kids for most of the week, "What did you feed him??" I have yet to weigh him -- as I said, I've been so busy!! -- but I have grand plans to weigh him tomorrow. He's so big! And to think he's only going to get bigger! *phew*

I ran errands with Ann on the 4th and then we dropped her off at LAX for her adventure to China. The next day I was off to Denver, CO for an insane and intense week.

I awoke at 6am to catch my flight not knowing I would not get sleep until 6am the next day. Ouch. Going to Dever sounds like an exciting week yet I was there to work. I helped visual merchandise and set up 30 carts and kiosks in the Denver International Airport. And because we were running around an airport, my work hours were 6pm to 6am, the less busy times. I got home late on the 13th but it took me a full three days to readjust myself to a normal sleeping, eating and living schedule.

I just don't want it to appear as if I've ignored my pup for two weeks.
He was looked-after, trained and loved by Ann for the first week and Tony took care of him this last week. Much thanks and love to the two of them!!

Okay. Back to the whole reason I made this blog: Reilly.

Today we finally were able to go to a Dodger home game!

Reilly did great. He followed me up to our seats, laid down, drank out of his water bowl and was about to take a nap in the midday sun... when he suddenly sat up, looked down on to the field and let out three, loud barks. I'm assuming he was startled by the small, moving people. I got free laugh from the numerous people around us I heard say, "Oh my gosh! There's a dog!!" He's such a good dog in public that most people don't even notice him in a larger crowd.

Tomorrow Reilly and I go back to our daily training sessions. We plan on mastering 'lap', 'go in', and will start working on 'tug' this week. I also hope to make another video of the other commands he knows. More than anything, I can't wait to get back on a regular schedule. Oh, wait. I am supposed to start a new job next week! Ahh! =P